Looking for TerraScene

Forum de développement pour Fly! 1/2K & Fly! II (Français/English)

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Enregistré le : samedi 31 déc. 2011 - 16:43
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Looking for TerraScene

Message par NoDice »

Happy New Year All,
I am looking for a Copy of TerraScene design utility, by Todd Klause
It is no longer avail. at Avsim ?
Any help is much appreciated

Dave dea14u@aol.com

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Enregistré le : samedi 1 juin 2002 - 21:52
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Re: Looking for TerraScene

Message par Azzurro »

Hello Dave, happy new year to you, too.
I have finally found a version of Terrascene on my computer (as the name was TS21, I had some difficulties to find it !)
It is over 20 Mo, so if you allways want it, I can put the file on a server where you can download it.
However, I think that the datas used by Terrascene are no more available on the web.
So, tell me if you are still interested in it.
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Re: Looking for TerraScene

Message par garigass »

Good day!

I'm looking for TS everywhere & very long time without results...
I thought I couldn't find that.
Can you help me too?

Thanks in advice!

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Re: Looking for TerraScene

Message par Azzurro »

OK Garigass, I have sent the file to our president-webmaster, he will provide you a link soon.
Vieux pécé windows 10 - tablette Samsung pas jeune - Mac iBook antique - Fibre optique (quand même)
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Re: Looking for TerraScene

Message par Stéphane »

Stéphane Maillard
Président de Simvol

Carte mère Asus Z690-E
Processeur Intel i7-12700K
64 Go de RAM DDR5
Geforce RTX 4070 12 Go
SSD Samsung 990 Pro 2 To
Câble (650 Mbs)
Windows 11
FS2024 Premium Deluxe (Microsoft Store)

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Enregistré le : samedi 31 déc. 2011 - 16:43
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Re: Looking for TerraScene

Message par NoDice »

Thank you so much Stephane!!
I just got it and can not wait to get to work

Thank you again


